WP Starter Theme — Gulp WordPress starter theme for developers.

WP Bootstrap
1 min readFeb 20, 2020


Developer’s Starter WordPress theme with Gulp. Browsersync, Sass, concatenation, style & scripts minify, POT file generator, .zip theme generator

Category: WordPress
Tags: blogging, freelancer
Version: Bootstrap 4.1.3

Developer’s Starter WordPress theme with Gulp. Browsersync, Sass, concatenation, style & scripts minify, POT file generator, .zip theme generator

WP Starter Theme is a responsive Gulp WordPress starter theme for developers., compatible with Bootstrap 4.1.3, free for personal and commercial use.

Automate your WordPress theme development with Wow Gulp WP Starter Theme

Developers all around the world, automate your WordPress theme development with this starter blank theme.


  • Browsersync,
  • Sass,
  • concatenation,
  • style & scripts minify,
  • POT file generator,
  • .zip theme generator


  • Run npm install
  • Open gulpconfig.json.
  • Replace proxy link (line 3) with your usual local WP installation
  • Replace project name (line 26) with the name of your theme (lowercase).


css/theme.min.css isn’t available when first installed so you need to edit a file or run gulp deploy to generate it first.

Start developing

Run gulp watch-bs to open the live browser with watch. Now you can edit your theme and watch live changes.


Run gulp deploy to generate theme.zip in dist folder.


