Bootstrap Starter Themes for WordPress
2 min readApr 23, 2021
We’ve collected some of the best Bootstrap Starter Frameworks for your rapid WordPress theme development.
- WP Basic
- Developer’s Starter WordPress theme with Gulp. Browsersync, Sass, concatenation, style & scripts minify, POT file generator, .zip theme generator. This is not a theme, but a real powerful tool built for WordPress theme developers.
- Enter your theme name, theme slug, author, description and download your Bootstrap starter theme for WordPress in a second.
- Develop your WordPress theme faster with bootScore starter theme. This tool offers ready-to-use templates for posts, pages, authors, categories, headers.
- Understrap
- This tool combines the Underscores basic starter theme from Automattic with Bootstrap framework. Utilizes SASS, npm, Gulp. With lots of contributors, this theme is constantly improving.
- WP Bootstrap Starter
- Developed by Afterimage Designs, like Understrap, this is also a WordPress starter theme based on the most powerful frameworks in the world: “_s”.
- Picostrap allows you to brew your own Bootstrap CSS easily. You will control site typography, colors, spacings via Customizer. On “Publish” Bootstrap SCSS code is recompiled “on the fly”.
- StrapPress is yet another starter WordPress theme based off the popular Bootstrap 4 framework. You can use the theme ‘as is’ or as a starting point for your next theme design. Unfortunately at the time of writing this article, the latest Bootstrap version used is Bootstrap 3.3.6 WordPress Theme.